Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Veitnam update

We received an update from our agency with detailed from the trip to Vietnam that the Pres. of our agency made on behalf of the Joint Council.The following is an excerpt from her letter:

From John’s meetings with the Vietnamese authorities and the DIA (Dept. on International Adoption) we now understand that in order for files received prior to July 1, 2008 to be grandfathered in, there must be an interim agreement signed between the two countries permitting this process. Rather than a simple request by the Department of State, we will need a signed agreement in order for this process to be followed. No decision has been made regarding the grandfathering of files received prior to July 1, 2008, as an interim agreement is still in progress.

What will happen regarding the implementation of a new agreement by September 1st (or shortly thereafter) as well as the grandfathering of files received prior to July 1, 2008 is still uncertain.

Please continue to pray:
*that the Us and Vietnam can come to a new agreement on adoption and get it written down and signed by Sept.1

*that an agreement can be written and signed by Sept.1 grandfathering all dossiers (like ours) so we can bring home our children that we have been referred.

Yesterday, we also received 3 new pictures of Lydia. That way so exciting! I wish I could put them on the Blog.

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