Friday, November 21, 2008

cloud nine

We are so excited and blessed to have our approval form the US Embassy. We have three bags packed and are mentally there. Our caseworker asked us when we would be willing to travel. After waiting two years for this opportunity, I said we were ready to travel "yesterday"! Please continue to pray that we receive our Giving and Receiving date soon ( or 24 hours, which ever happens first).

Thank you for all your prayer support.

The prayers of a righteous man and woman are powerful and effective.
James 5:16

Your prayers are bringing Lydia home. Thank you!


Kevin said...

Holy cow! I have to tell you how amazing it is for my faith and my motivation to see children cared for to watch your perseverance and hear about your prayers. God is loving blessing you because you have allowed Him to be the hero.

We love you guys and can't wait to see the princess

Cheri said...

How exciting....Perhaps your water is getting ready to BREAK! I've been following your blog a couple of months and am so happy with your news! Cheri in MO